Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Entrepreneurship, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran

2 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran



Objective: This research has been conducted by designing and validating the model of creating an entrepreneurial society in the basic education system with a sociological approach.
Methods: It is a mixed sequential exploratory research; socio-statistics of this research in the qualitative part consists of educational and research experts and managers specializing in the basic education system and entrepreneurship and in the quantitative part it consists of managers, teachers, professors and consultants in Educational Year of 2020-2021. The samples in the qualitative section included 12 people using a targeted method until reaching theoretical saturation, and in the quantitative section 385 people were selected using a multi-stage cluster random method. The data was analyzed by semi-structured interview and conventional content analysis method with coding, and based on that, a model with 3 dimensions, 9 components and 100 items were designed. To validate the model, first a questionnaire was designed, and after determining face and content validity, 20 questions were removed and 80 questions remained.
Resuls and Conclusion: The results showed that the factor loading of all questions is above 0.4, the convergent validity is above 0.5, the reliability of both criteria (Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability) of all dimensions is above 0.8, and the validity of the variable is confirmed, and finally, the quality index fit of the model is greater than 0.36. The designed model has strong validity, reliability and fit, and policy makers and planners can use it to evaluate and review the current situation of the basic education system in order to create an entrepreneurial society.


Main Subjects

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